8.2% More MPG with AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants
Replacing popular conventional engine and driveline lubricants with AMSOIL synthetic lubricants in Class 8 diesel-fueled vehicles increases fuel mileage up to 8.2% according to the findings of an independent test facility.

Fuel accounts for roughly 37 percent of Class 8 truck operating expenses, and reducing fuel expenses is a top priority for truck operators.

AMSOIL is the leader in the race to develop fuel efficient low-viscosity lubricants for trucking and other heavy-duty diesel applications. Independent laboratory testing shows AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil in the engine and AMSOIL synthetics in the drivetrain provide up to 8.2 percent more miles-per-gallon than other popular lubricants provide.

At the request of AMSOIL INC., an independent research institute conducted a month-long test com-paring the fuel consumption of Class 8 diesel trucks equipped with AMSOIL synthetic lubricants to Class 8 diesel trucks equipped with conventional lubricants.

The research institute used the SAE J1321 Joint TMC/SAE Fuel Consumption Test Procedure-Type II, an industry standard test procedure for comparing in-service fuel consumption of a vehicle operated under two conditions, one with the control lubricants in place, the other with the test lubricants in place.

Vehicles and Route
The three test and one control vehicles were 1995 International Model 9200 truck-tractors with Cummins M-11 engines (rated at 350 hp at 1600 rpm), Fuller RTXF 14710B transmissions, Eaton Model DS/RS 404 drive axles (3.90 ratio), 11R-24.5 low-profile tires and new oil and air filters. All four vehicles had been operated between 250,000 and 285,000 miles prior to the study.

The trucks were equipped with auxiliary weigh fuel tanks and quick disconnect couplings to facilitate accurate data gathering. Each truck pulled a 45-foot long flatbed trailer equipped with 11R-24.5 low-profile tires and loaded with concrete blocks so that the gross vehicle weight (GVW) of each vehicle was 75,550 +/-100 lbs.

The test route represented typical long-haul interstate highway operations, with asphalt road surfaces and generally flat terrain. The low traffic density route covered a total of 40 miles with a 20-mile southbound segment and the return north-bound segment. Fuel consumption was measured separately for each direction.

Lubricants and Fuels
The control lubricants were Shell Rotella T 15W-40 for the engines, Quaker State SAE 90 for the transmissions and Citco 85W-140 for the drive axles. The control truck used the control lubricants for all driving segments and the test trucks used the control lubricants for their baseline segments.

The test lubricants were AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil for the engines, AMSOIL Series 2000 Synthetic 20W-50 Racing Oil for the transmissions and AMSOIL Series 2000 Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Lube (Replaced by AMSOIL Long Life Synthetic Gear Lube SAE 75W-90) for the drive axles. The test vehicles used the test lubricants for their test segments.

All vehicles used Exxon No. 2 diesel fuel dispensed from the same storage tank for all driving segments.

Each test vehicle ran a baseline segment, in which the truck was equipped with the control lubricants, and three test segments, in which it was equipped with test lubricants. The control vehicle concurrently ran each driving segment using control lubricants.

Conditions including speed, tire pressure, headlight and fan use and window openings were held constant between all vehicles in each driving segment. Finally, testing proceeded only if wind direction, wind speed and temperature were within test parameters.

The weight of fuel consumed by each test vehicle and the weight of fuel consumed by the control vehicle in each driving segment were used to determine the percentage of fuel saved and the percentage fuel efficiency improvement obtained by the test lubricants. Results outside 2 percent of the norm were discarded.

The vehicles equipped with AMSOIL synthetic lubricants in the engines, transmissions and drive axles demonstrated up to an 8.2 percent increase in miles per gallon (mpg) over the mpg obtained by the vehicles equipped with the control lubricants.

Test conditions were held close to ideal for maximum fuel economy. In many instances of less-than-ideal conditions, the synthetic test lubricants would have provided even more fuel economy improvement. For example, synthetics superior cold temperature fluidity provides a larger proportion of fuel savings in cold operating conditions.

Additionally, while the present study did not include analysis of wear control, wear control is an important issue with low viscosity lubricants and one fully addressed by AMSOIL through additional testing.

Traditionally, the benefit of improved fuel economy provided by low viscosity lubricants is offset by a penalty in wear control. Such is not the case with Series 3000 motor oil, as evidenced by Four-Ball Wear testing conducted by an independent laboratory and a growing body of demonstration and on-road data.

For example, an ongoing fleet demonstration is providing evidence of the excellent wear control of Series 3000. Since January 1996, AMSOIL and a northern tier trucking fleet have been conducting a demonstration using Series 3000 in the 1996 Cummins N-14 ESP3 engines of five 1996 Kenworth class 8 trucks.

The trucks traveled 125,000 miles with-out an oil change and the rate of wear metal generation found in used Series 3000 samples was lower than that found in used control oil, Pennzoil Long Life 15W-40, which is changed at 20,000-mile intervals.

Additionally, the viscometrics of the AMSOIL fluids provide a wear control benefit in cold temperature applications since low viscosity fluids flow more freely in cold temperatures than high viscosity fluids do. Oils that flow easily in cold temperatures provide faster post-startup wear protection in cold engines than do less fluid oils. They also provide easier starting and reduced battery drain.

Finally, AMSOIL product users are protected by the AMSOIL warranty, which, unlike warranties offered by other oil companies, is not limited by time or mileage and does not require user registration and approval.

Four Ball Wear Test (ASTM D-4172B) AMSOIL synthetic engine, transmission and drive axle lubricants provide a safe and effective means to significantly increase class 8 truck fuel economy.

AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil provides better wear protection than these popular high viscosity diesel oils.

What Does a Savings of 8.2% Mean?

Imagine a fleet of 100 class 8 vehicles running an average 120,000 miles per year at an average 6.5 mpg with diesel fuel at $1.35 a gallon. The fleet spends $2,492,308 on fuel annually. Now imagine the fleet uses AMSOIL products and improves its miles-per-gallon by 8.2 percent. The fleet now spends $2,303,427 on fuel annually.

Thats a savings of $188,881! That money could buy a years worth of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants for the fleet plus a years fuel for 3 to 6 trucks with cash left over!

Sump capacity: 9 gallons

Thats a savings of $188,881! That money could buy a years worth of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants for the fleet plus a years fuel for 3 to 6 trucks with cash left over!

Sump capacity: 9 gallons


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Motor Oil
Gasoline Engine Oils
0W-16 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OES)0W-16 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (AZS)0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASM)0W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLZ)0W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEZ)0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)0W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB020)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-30 Signature Series (AZO)0W-40 Signature Series Motor Oil (AZF)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)0W-40 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEG)5W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLM)5W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEM)5W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ALM)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB520)5W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)5W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLF)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEF)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)5W-30 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB530)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)5W-50 Signature Series Motor Oil (AMR)10W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ATM)10W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLT)10W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OET)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)10W-40 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLO)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)
Diesel Engine Oils
0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-20 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DP020)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DZF)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W30 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DHD)5W-30 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DP530)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DEO)5W40 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADO)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)10W30 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADN)10W30 Signature Series Diesel Oil (DTT)10W30 Commercial Grade Diesel Oil (SBDT)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)15W-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine (AME)15W40 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADP)15W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DME)15W40 Commercial Grade Diesel Oil (SBDF)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)20W-50 DOMINATOR Competition Diesel Oil (DCO)
Motorcycle & Scooter Oils
V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDCK)SAE 60 Motorcycle Oil (MCS)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)V-Twin Synthetic Primary Fluid (MVP)V-Twin Synthetic Transmission Fluid (MVT)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDBK)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDMC)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDMB)5W-40 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MMF)10W-30 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MCT)10W-40 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MCF)10W-40 Formula 4 Stroke® Synthetic Scooter Oil (ASO)10W-40 Dirt Bike Oil (DB40)10W-50 Dirt Bike Oil (DB50)10W-60 Dirt Bike Oil (DB60)15W-50 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MFF)15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MSV)20W-40 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MVI)20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MCV)
Marine Motor Oil
Outboard 100:1 Pre-Mix Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (ATO)HP Marine Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (HPM)10W-30 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCT)10W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCF)15W-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine (AME)25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil
Racing & High Performance
SAE 60 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD60)Briggs & Stratton Synthetic 4T Racing Oil (GBS2960)Dominator® Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil (TDR)SAE 30 Break-In Oil (BRK)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)5W-20 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD20)10W-30 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD30)10W-40 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD40)15W-50 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD50)
Classic & High Performance
SAE 30 Break-In Oil (BRK)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)10W-30 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRT)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-40 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRD)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)20W-50 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRF)
European Motor Oils
0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)
High-Mileage Motor Oil
0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)
Hybrid Motor Oil
0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)
4-Stroke & Small Engine Oils
Briggs & Stratton Synthetic 4T Racing Oil (GBS2960)0W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® PowerSports Synthetic Motor Oil (AFF)5W-30 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (AES)10W-30 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCT)10W-30 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASE)10W-40 Formula 4 Stroke® Synthetic Scooter Oil (ASO)10W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCF)10W-40 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASF)15W-50 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (SEF)25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil
ATV & UTV Motor Oils
ATV/UTV Oil Change Kits (Polaris)ATV/UTV Oil Change Kits (Can-Am)0W-50 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil5W-40 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil5W-50 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil10W-30 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil10W-40 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil
2 Cycle / 2 Stroke Motor Oil
INTERCEPTOR™ 2-Cycle Oil (AIT) Synthetic 2-Stroke Injector Oil (AIO)Dominator® Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil (TDR)Saber™ Synthetic 100:1 Pre-Mix 2-Cycle Oil (ATP)Outboard 100:1 Pre-Mix Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (ATO)HP Marine Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (HPM)
Natural Gas Engine Oil
15W-40 (SAE 40) Synthetic Vehicular Natural Gas Engine Oil (ANGV)20W-40 (SAE 40) Synthetic Stationary Natural Gas Engine Oil (ANGS)
Oil & Air Filtration
AMSOIL Motorcycle FiltersMotorcycle Oil Filter (Nano Fiber)AMSOIL Automotive Oil FiltersFull Flow Oil Filter (Nano Fiber)AMSOIL Ea Heavy Duty Oil FiltersHeavy Duty Extended-Life Oil FilterAMSOIL By-Pass Oil Filteration By-Pass Filteration Kits
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By-Pass Filter Elements Oil AnalysisAmsoil PowerCore™ Air Filters (PCF)Available Substitute Filter BrandsDonaldson Oil & Air Filters
Donaldson Blue Heavy Duty Air FiltersDonaldson Blue Oil FiltersDonaldson P-Series Heavy Duty Air FiltersDonaldson P-Series Oil & Air Filters
MANN-FILTER Oil, Air, Fuel & CabinWIX Oil, Air, Fuel, Cabin Filters & More
ATF & Gear Lube
Transmission FluidsAutomatic Transmission Fluids
20W-50 Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid (AHF)CG-Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil (TCGSB)OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic ATFOE Series Fuel-Efficient Synthetic ATFSignature Series Fuel-Efficient Synthetic ATFSignature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic ATFSignature Series ULV Synthetic ATFTorque-Drive Transmission Fluid (ATD)Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil (ATH)
100% Synthetic CVT Fluid100% Synthetic DCT FluidManual Transmission Fluids
5W 30 Manual Synchromesh Transmission Fluid (MTF)75W-90 (GL-4) Synthetic Gear Lube (MTG)SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic Transmission Oil (FTF)
ATV & UTV Drive Train Fluids
Synthetic ATV/UTV Powertrain FluidATV/UTV Dual-Clutch Transmission FluidATV/UTV Transmission & Differential Fluid
Motorcycle Transmission Fluids
Synthetic Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid (DBTF)V-Twin Synthetic Primary Fluid (MVP)V-Twin Synthetic Transmission Fluid (MVT)
Gear LubeHigh Performance Gear Lube
75W 85 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVL)75W 90 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVG)75W-110 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVT)75W-140 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVO) 75W-90 (GL-4) Synthetic Gear Lube (MTG)AMSOIL Hand Pump For BottlesAMSOIL Marine Gear Lube PumpSEVERE GEAR 80W-90 (AGL)
Semi Truck Gear Lube
75W-90 Semi-Truck Gear Lube (FGR)80W-140 Semi-Truck Gear Lube (FGO)SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic Transmission Oil (FTF)
Racing & Off Road Gear Lube
SAE 250 Severe Gear Racing Gear Lubricant (SRT)Super Shift Racing Transmission Fluid (ART)
Marine Gear Lube 75W/80W-90 (AGM)Gear Lube AdditiveLimited Slip Differential (LSD) Additive Powershift Transmission FluidPowershift Transmission Fluids
Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 10W (CTG)Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 30 (CTJ)Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 50 (CTL)
ATF for Racing, Ford Type F & Allison C-4Super Shift Racing Transmission Fluid
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Engine Flush & Degreaser
Engine and Transmission Flush (FLSH)Engine Degreaser (AED)Exterior Ceramic Spray (CSF)Glass Cleaner (AGC)Heavy Duty Degreaser (ADG) High-Foam Car Shampoo (HFB)Interior Detailer Light Lemon (IDL)Interior Detailer Scent Free (IDN)Miracle Wash (AMW) Mudslinger® (AMS)Power Foam Engine Cleaner & Degreaser (APF)
Spray Lubricants
Chain Lube (ACLSC)Engine Fogging Oil (FOG) MP Heavy Duty Metal Protector (AMH)MP Metal Protector (AMP)Silicone Spray (ALS) Spray Grease (GSP)
Bar & Chain Oil
Semi-Synthetic Bar and Chain Oil (ABC)Synthetic Chain Case & Gear Oil (TCC)
Suspension & Fork Oil
Suspension Fluid #10 Medium (STM)Suspension Fluid #5 Light (STL)
Power Steering FluidDOT Brake Fluid
DOMINATOR DOT 4 Brake Fluid (BFR)DOT 3 and 4 Synthetic Brake Fluid (BFLV)
Antifreeze & Coolant
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Air Tool Oil
Synthetic Air Tool Oil (AIR)
Firearm Protectants
Brake and Parts Cleaner (BPC)Firearm Cleaner and Protectant (FCP)Firearm Lubricant and Protectant (FLP)
Industrial Lubricants
Compressor Oils - SyntheticPC Series Compressor Oils Synthetic Compressor OilsSynthetic Compressor OilsDC Series Compressor Oils Sirocco SE Series Ester Compressor OilHydraulic Oils - SyntheticAW Series Antiwear Hydraulic OilsBiodegradable Hydraulic OilSlideway, Chain, Bearing and Gear OilSG SERIES Extreme Pressure Gear OilsHydraulic Oils - SyntheticHV Series Hydraulic OilsWL SERIES Slideway, Chain and Gear LubeRC Series R&O/AW Gear And Bearing OilsHT Series High Temperature Lubricating Oils
Fuel Additive
Gasoline Fuel AdditivesP.I. Performance Improver (API)Upper Cylinder Lubricant (UCL)Dominator Octane Boost (AOB)Gasoline Stabilizer for Storage (AST)Motorcycle Octane BoostMotorcycle Octane Boost (MOB)Small Engines & PowersportsSmall Engines Fuel Treatment & StabilizerDiesel Fuel AdditivesDiesel Injector Clean (ADF)Diesel All-In-One (ADB)Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS)Diesel Cold Flow Improver (ADD)Cetane Boost for Diesel Fuel (ACB)Diesel Recovery Emergency Fuel Treatment
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